Using all channels to promote the Baraboo Area
By Ben Bromley
Marketing & Tourism Coordinator
Like me, you might be freaked by the head shot accompanying this article. You’re saying, “Oh no, I hope Darren isn’t leaving.” (He isn’t.) I’m saying, “Oh no, that must be a picture of my older, more bloated brother.” (It isn’t.)
Darren was off last week, enjoying some much-deserved rest and relaxation, so I thought I’d pinch-hit and share some of the marketing efforts under way this fall at the Chamber!
Video is a medium we sought to invest in this year, and we are nearly ready to release a 4-minute promotional piece prepared by Aspect Multimedia. It promotes the entire Baraboo Area, and is broken down into segments focusing on specific niches such as shopping, lodging, natural areas and the downtown district. We plan to place it on our YouTube Channel and use it on social media. We hope to drive tourism so that all our members enjoy a strong fourth quarter!
To that end, we also have doubled down on our ongoing campaign with Amplified Digital, which targets madison.com visitors and smartphone users in the Madison market and urges them to visit our newly revamped website.
You’ll be hearing about the Baraboo Area over the airwaves, as well. Once again we’ll reach out to a regional audience of 75,000 listeners with a holiday campaign created in conjunction with MAX FM and its radio partners. We’ll promote the Baraboo Area’s unique Christmas shopping experience to smaller nearby communities like Richland Center, pitching our shopping options and charming ambiance.
We’re also entering into a sponsorship program with Wisconsin Public Radio this holiday season, which will promote holiday shopping in the Baraboo Area to 103,500 listeners all over south-central and southwestern Wisconsin.
We have print advertising planned, too, with our partners at Capital Newspapers (local holiday guides) and Towns & Associates (magazines distributed in Green Lake and Madison). We even put an ad in the Minnesota Vikings yearbook. Hey, Minnesotans’ money is good here, too. The more, the merrier, as we work together to make this an outstanding holiday shopping season!