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‘Discover Wisconsin’ Will Return To Baraboo

‘Discover Wisconsin’ will return to Baraboo

By George Althoff
Executive Director

Promoting Baraboo as a premier tourism destination is an integral part of the mission of the Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce. As a recipient of room tax revenue from the Village of West Baraboo and the City of Baraboo, the Chamber is expected to reinvest that revenue into promoting tourism and generating more overnight stays, which strengthens the local economy.
To that end, we have decided to make a big splash by partnering with Discover Mediaworks – producers of the “Discover Wisconsin” television show – to promote the many great tourism attractions that the area has to offer. “Discover Wisconsin,” which was created in 1986, is a travel series television program that encourages tourism across the state of Wisconsin. It features destinations, events and attractions throughout the state, and is the longest-running tourism series in the country. It has won five Emmy Awards, has more than 20 Emmy nominations, and has won 20 National Telly Awards. “Discover Wisconsin” reaches millions of viewers through a combination of network, cable, and satellite stations, and through its digital presence across various platforms including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. In other words, “Discover Wisconsin” has incredible “street cred” in the tourism industry.
Filming for the Discover Real Baraboo segment will begin later this year, with the show tentatively scheduled to air sometime in the spring of 2026. Ben Bromley, our Marketing and Tourism coordinator, and I had an initial meeting last month with the show’s producer and other “Discover Wisconsin” staff members. We brainstormed on what area attractions to feature and how the show can put Baraboo in the best possible light in order to attract tourists to the area. They not-so-kiddingly suggested that we have enough material for two shows! And they are right!
That means we will have to make some decisions on what attractions and businesses to feature in a half-hour television program. Of course, there are some attractions that are on the for-sure list – for example, Circus World, Devil’s Lake State Park, the International Crane Foundation, and our vibrant and historic downtown. We will do our best to put the spotlight on those things that are most apt to attract overnight visitors. In the end, when tourists visit Baraboo, the entire community stands to benefit. Keep watch for updates on this project in future editions of the Chamber Review.

Chamber Bucks! Save Money in Baraboo

Got Chamber Bucks? Redeem them promptly
If you are a Chamber member that accepts Chamber Bucks, please make sure you are bringing them to the Chamber office for redemption on a regular basis. Here are some things to keep in mind:

The certificates are stamped with an expiration date that is one year following the date of purchase.

    Not to be Mr. Obvious here, but that means they EXPIRE. Train your employees to check the expiration date of the certificates before accepting them. If they are expired, then do not accept them and tell customer to contact the Chamber office.

    If you are a business that purchases Chamber Bucks for employee incentives, please emphasize to your employees that expiration dates are enforced and that the certificates should be spent.

    Merchants have a 30-day grace period in which to receive reimbursement from the Chamber. For example, if you have accepted Chamber Bucks that were dated to expire on March 1, 2025, then you would have until April 30 to bring them in for reimbursement. That’s why it’s important that merchants get in the habit of seeking reimbursement on at least a quarterly basis. If your business receives a high volume of Chamber Bucks, then you should redeem them monthly.

    If you are in possession of Chamber Bucks that are close to their expiration date and you are unable to spend them, you may bring them to the Chamber office for a one-time exchange for certificates that will have an extended expiration date.

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