Chamber donates to Circus World, plans for 2023 parade
BARABOO (August 11, 2022) – On Aug. 10 the Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce donated $6,000 to Circus World in appreciation for the historic site’s help in staging the Big Top Parade this summer.
“The parade is an important event for the Baraboo Area because it brings in so many people and embraces our community’s circus heritage,” said Nanci Caflisch, co-chair of the committee that organizes the parade in partnership with the Chamber. “We couldn’t do it without Circus World’s support and assistance.”
Despite a dreary forecast, an estimated 15,000 people lined the streets of downtown Baraboo on June 25 to enjoy the parade. The skies cleared just before the parade’s scheduled start time, allowing 90 units – featuring Circus World’s wagons and animals, circus performers, sponsors and community groups – to delight the crowd.
The parade committee’s attention already has turned to the 2023 Big Top Parade, which will be held Saturday, June 24. The parade theme will follow that of Circus World’s big top show, which next summer will be Western.
“Planning the Big Top Parade is a yearlong effort,” said George Althoff, executive director of the Chamber. “We’re grateful to Nanci and the organizing committee, as well as Scott O’Donnell and his staff – not to mention our sponsors and volunteers – who bring the parade to the downtown streets each summer.”
Watch for updates on the 2023 parade at bigtopparade.com.