2020 Big Top Parade canceled

Looking to safeguard the health of participants and spectators, organizers of the Big Top Parade and Circus Celebration have decided to cancel this year’s event. With the COVID-19 pandemic necessitating social distancing, parade organizers agreed it wouldn’t be wise to encourage a large gathering July 18 in downtown Baraboo.
“We truly didn’t want to cancel this spectacular event,” said Nanci Caflisch, who leads the organizing committee. “But safety must come first.”
Each summer, the streets of historic downtown Baraboo become the stage for an old-fashioned circus parade featuring exotic animals, marching bands and clowns. The Ringling brothers’ hometown has built a circus-themed festival around the parade, drawing upwards of 30,000 people to enjoy live music, great food and – of course – performances under Circus World’s big top.
“We know that the parade weekend is a favorite among circus fans and a dynamic way for our community to celebrate its vibrant circus heritage. Wide-eyed children of all ages will have to wait until July 17, 2021,” said Scott O’Donnell, Executive Director of Circus World. “The show must go on, but only once it’s safe.”
Finding a silver lining, Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Darren Hornby said organizers now have 15 months to plan the 2021 parade and festival. The Chamber of Commerce and Circus World jointly support the committee in presenting the event. “You can count on the next Big Top Parade and Circus Celebration being the best yet!” Hornby said.
Look for updates at www.bigtopparade.com