Althoff: Annual awards are back; we need nominations
George Althoff
Executive Director
The Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce is comprised of more than 360 members who, day in and day out, work for the good of our community. These members make things, they feed and entertain us, they attract tourists to the area, they help people who are in need, they provide jobs, and they help keep the economy strong.
We are blessed to have such a vibrant base of businesses and organizations working to make our world a better place. Well, it’s time to thank some of them for the contributions they make to our community. On January 20, the Chamber will hold its annual meeting and dinner at the Baraboo Arts Banquet and Convention Center. At that meeting, the Chamber will present the following awards for 2021:
• Business of the Year Award
• Tourism Award
• Community Service Award
• Rising Star Award
We need your help in making this happen. Please consider nominating one or more of your fellow members for these awards. You can do so by clicking on this link, which will take you directly to the nomination form.

Don’t be afraid to brag about your nominee. Tell us why the member is worthy of the award. Go into some detail. For example, if your nominee is in the business of helping people, tell us how many people they help every year. If they’re in the business of making widgets, tell us how many widgets they make each year, or how many people they employ to make those widgets. In other words, “sell” the nomination.
A question that comes up from time to time is this: May I nominate myself or my business for an award? If you’re feeling worthy, go for it. But remember, “sell” it.
Below are the criteria we will use in the selection process. We hope you take the time to submit a nomination.
If you have any questions about this process – or anything Chamber-related – please reach out to me at director@
baraboochamber.com. Thanks for all you do to make the Chamber successful and the Baraboo Area a great place to live.
Award criteria
• Business of the Year Award – This award is presented to a Chamber member business that has demonstrated the ability to overcome adversity, has grown during its existence, and contributes to the community and the Chamber.
• Tourism Award – This award is presented to a Chamber member business, organization, or individual that makes outstanding contributions to our local thriving tourist industry.
• Community Service Award – This award recognizes a Chamber member business or individual that demonstrates considerable support of service organizations, projects and activities in the Baraboo area, or that works to improve the lives of its clients or customers through results-driven programming.
• Rising Star Award – This award honors an “up and coming” Chamber member business or individual that has shown a commitment to the work of the Chamber.